
The water falls
With the fallen leaves
Which make no sound
As the season spells fall.

They flow together
As the stream flows
To sink in the bed of beauty 
Steered by the scream of streams.

As autumn (season of fall) arrives in one’s life, at times, they (leaves) surrender to the closest cascade (waterfall) silently with no choice, even after which the unfulfilled memories follow the time’s (stream’s) flow to the bed (death) at the end of one’s beautiful life that would have been lived with the desired content and joy (screams).

Credits & Footnote

Featured Image:
Photo from Simon Berger on Unsplash.

Inner Beauty

You are often dirty, and not neatly dressed. I wonder if you have ever taken a shower.

With full hopes, I approach. You greatly disappoint me. However, on a casual meet without any plans, you don’t fail to surprise.

You act so cold to the outsiders, but also beckon them by and large. I’m unable to make up my mind about your personality. Should I always keep my expectations low around you?

Continue reading

Glistening Twilight

Glistening twilight
tides talk to tiny islands
through the voice of waves

Memories of life
giggle like the ebbing tides
lovely yet looming

Beach betrays vision
twilight portrays false beauty
of what the day blinds

Photo for the prompt (from scvincent.com)

Just like tides touching the shore, memories cross our minds speaking in a voice that only our inner self understands. Most often, these memories are heavy. Continue reading

Enduring Friendship

To respect lock-down,
they maintain distance.
They stay so far,
with hearts so near.

They share myriads,
of vast similarities.
He loves serenity.
So, she chose blue.

She gives him his space.
He doesn’t dig her secrets.
She gets mood swings.
Accordingly, he adjusts his hues.

He has infinite dreams,
wanting to live among immortals.
She’s a fathomless wonder,
finding happiness in the mortals.

Days get tough,
but they don’t break.
They connect through rays,
when clouds hinder their ways.

When she gets rough,
he stands by.
When he pours out,
she buries them deep.

He’s imaginary,
with limits undefined.
She’s real,
with depths unexplored.

She’s the oceanic sphere,
who remains the ‘Reily’ of his life.
He’s the celestial sphere,
the ‘Bing Bong’ of her life.

They welcome intrepid guests,
also accompany far-flung loners.
This is a never ending tale
of two complex cosmic cronies.

To friends who are aloof,
they stand proof
stating friendship can exist
beyond all sort of differences!


This is a response post to the ‘Thursday Poetry Competition by ‘Penable’. The topic assigned is ‘Friendship’.

In this metaphorical free verse, I’ve drawn an analogy of the sky and ocean, to relate with friends who stay strong even with wider differences in aspirations and lifestyle.


I just realized..

You’ll cost me dearly when you’re gone;
I know the time isn’t so far.

I’ve been dependent,
giving you huge space in my life.

My eyes are tired,
having gazed at you throughout.

My arm aches,
having held you for so long.

With you on bed,
I couldn’t rest.

My life feels so empty;
It has none but you.

You are drained;
So am I.

But still, I’m not letting you go.

It’s time to stop.
This isn’t going to happen anymore.

I should adapt, Continue reading

Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love is the best feeling in the world. 

Unlike other bonds, it isn’t shared. It’s mine and mine only.

Mom’s eyes widened on seeing her daughter’s diary.

She knows it’s ill-mannered to read other’s journal. But still she couldn’t manage to get away after reading the first line accidentally.

Thoughts were flying around like butterflies.

She continued.

On my way to work, I get to see you everyday.

It’s heart-melting to see you playing and making fun with your family members.

Everyone’s eyes are stuck on you; not because you are an attention seeker; but because of the love you offer.

There’s an everlasting smile on your lips whenever someone else notices you. Continue reading