Library Love

Untouched books crowded his shelves, shiny leather spines and faded first editions, meticulously dusted and never read.

He knows he’s in deep trouble now. A few months back, he came across a girl in the library he visits. He stalked her timings for about a week, not with wrong intentions though. With his observations, he started reading books in her often-visited genre. He initiated casual conversations one day and they gradually became friends.

She offered him book suggestions which he really enjoyed. She is someone who just doesn’t focus on the content or is bound to the works of one favourite author. She explored varieties. At times, she used to choose a book, just because the cover is attractive. Continue reading

Gift a Book

Hey everyone!

It’s an announcement regarding a reading initiative by a friend of mine.

Gift a Book is a two-way facilitation platform in which a willing book donor can surprise a school-going kid by gifting a book. Both the donors and kids interested in receiving a book can register themselves on the website, which is to be launched on 15th August 2020 at 05:00 pm IST.

Invite for 'Gift a Book' Launch event

Invite for ‘Gift a Book’ Launch event

Here’s the Zoom Meeting link for the launch event to be held tomorrow – Give A Book’ Initiative Launch.
Meeting ID: 915 4639 5522
Passcode: 6Fv6uR
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Spot – Puzzle – SoCS

Here is a rebus puzzle with a hint to decipher its meaning. A rebus puzzle is usually a picture illustrating letters, words, or symbols arranged in a certain way. It is more like encoding of a phrase or saying.

The puzzle above decodes to a simple phrase and is of ‘easy’ difficulty level. As a hint, it is something that is charged to the defaulter on having caught red-handed for a misdoing.

You can leave your guesses or the firm answer in the comment section. (Answer revealed in comment section)  Continue reading

One-Liner Wednesday #6

Transform or Transfigure?

Watching his son’s self-isolated stunts, his dad wonders if he’s working hard in quarantine to transform into a web-designer or to transfigure into a spider!

One Liner Wednesday - Spider - Quarantine - Web designing

Photo from

Credits & Footnote

This is in response to the ‘One-Liner Wednesday Prompt’ by Linda G. HillThe challenge is to write a motivational or funny one-liner inspired by the given picture.

LINK – Solution to Puzzle – SoCS

Thank you all for your patience! Those who don’t get a hold, kindly read the previous post for better understanding.

Loge – Iapetus – Narvi – Kari

These are the satellites of the planet Saturn. Had you noticed the word ‘satellite’ that was present in the previous post, the ‘connecting link‘ would have been a cakewalk. The hint wasn’t planned to be placed, but a mere coincidence. The word ‘satellite’ didn’t lead me to my line of thoughts. It was just a traceback.

Why did I choose Saturn?

I tried to frame a meaningful acrostic for LINK but couldn’t come up with any (without much planning; that’s a condition for the SoCS prompt). I started the previous post with technical jargon, which included uplinks and downlinks. That gave me the thought of space, and I got inspiration from a recent news article of planets visible to the naked eye. Continue reading

Link – Puzzle – SoCS

The concepts that struck my mind on reading the prompt word ‘link‘ are all related to computers – the linked list, one of the basic data structures; anchor tag, the tag in HTML to add hyperlinks; and finally, uplinks and downlinks, that are related to mobile communication and satellites.

But, I didn’t get a way to proceed with my thought. And so, I’m proceeding this no-editing prompt with a new concept, a puzzle.


The four words specified above, that sound like an acrostic, are actually linked to each other. Find the connecting link. Also, there is a hint right within this post to answer the puzzle. Continue reading

One-Liner Wednesday #5

Breaking the Break

He is here bored of working from home, breaking my break again during my usual nap time, the same human who would usually rush to work without any time to notice me wagging my tail to get some love.

Linda's One-liner Wednesday

Photo from


This is in response to the ‘One-Liner Wednesday Prompt’ by Linda G. HillThe challenge is to write a motivational or funny one-liner inspired by the given picture.

Song Lyrics – #SoCS

This week’s #SoCS prompt is to find a picture and then perform a task.

  1. Find a picture, the closest one to you.
  2. The prompt is the title and/or lyrics of the first song that comes to mind when you look at the picture.

This was quite an interesting prompt. Instead of choosing a picture that’s close to my heart, I chose the one that was physically near me. I was charging my camera beside my PC. The first picture that appeared in it was that of my laptop, which I shared in yesterday’s post.

On looking at the picture, the first song that crossed my mind is “Oh Maria” from a Tamil movie “Kaadhalar Dhinam” (translated to Valentine’s day).

The song was quite special during the days of its release, because of the contemporary historical and economic reasons. Internet services were available in India since 1986. But then, they were restricted to educational and research communities. Only since 15th August 1995, the 49th Independence day of the nation, the internet was launched for public usage. Continue reading


Turning off lights on Earth Hour, I go to the terrace.

I admire the beauty of the full moon, thinking about the billion-year-old firefly that lights it, standing on Earth.

Moon Love


Earth Hour, organized by World Wide Fund for Nature, is a global grassroots movement uniting people to take action on environmental issues and protect the planet. Engaging a massive mainstream community, Earth Hour was famously started as a lights out event in Sydney, Australia in 2007.

It is an annual event held towards the end of March every year when people across the globe turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a commitment towards a better future.

Yes, it makes a difference.


Syzygy isn’t something that’s related only to astronomy. I browsed to find details on the word’s origin and Continue reading

Tossing Fun

Little Manu lived with his grandma on his vacation. He loved the food she cooks and was fascinated by watching her cook.

Whenever she cooked, he used to accompany her in the kitchen. Watching her simple culinary knacks of blending, chopping, grating, and baking immensely enthralled him.

One day, watching her toss the skillet, he gaped and got curious to try it out. He gathered little pebbles from the garden, borrowed a pan from his granny, and started his fun adventure.

He’d toss and fail. He’d try again only to fail again. After repeated attempts, he somehow wanted to perfect the toss.

But now, he changed his technique as well as the target. He took a pebble in hand, closed an eye, and Continue reading

Unwelcomed Guests

Unwelcome guests - fiction - sammi weekend writing prompt

When Dory’s family planned to buy saplings for their garden, Dory’s immediate suggestions were two fruit-bearing plants – mango tree and pomegranates.

She planted and nurtured them with care, waited for years until they grew enough to give her fruits. She got excited when they started blooming and many little fruits emerged from buds.  Continue reading

Is it okay to be happy during a crisis?

Most of us, who aren’t currently handling public responsibilities, enjoy the quarantine though might be unwilling to admit the same.

In India, it’s been exactly a month today since the lockdown began. At a time when the entire human family is under a crisis, here are my observations on the lockdown being a welcome development in societal behaviour.

Self-analysis and lone time have made a few realise their true interpersonal behaviour. Few introverts have concluded that they aren’t so really, and look for the time when they can get out and socialize. Few extroverts feel their me-time totally impressive, and plan to get back more often. Continue reading

World Book and Copyright Day

What is the ‘Book Day’ about?

Here’s a snippet from UNESCO in its original words:

“World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Each year, on 23 April, celebrations take place all over the world to recognize the scope of books – a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures.

By championing books and copyright, UNESCO stands up for creativity, diversity and equal access to knowledge.”

An interesting fact:

23rd April is a symbolic date in world literature. It is the date on which several prominent authors, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died.

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