Circle of Life

The word “wee”, the prompt for SoCS this week, led me straight to a YouTube video. “The lion sleeps tonight” is my go-to song whenever I have a bad mood. Having watched both versions of “The Lion King” movie, this is one of my two favorite parts of the remake. Weembaway (YouTube link to the song sequence; embed available at the bottom) – at least that’s how I pronounce it – is always joyful to listen to as well watch.

The last time I watched this song, it gave me quite different vibes than the usual. Maybe, what I saw was influenced by my state of mind.

When the ambiance around is good, so many friends stay around the singing Pumba and Timon to enjoy the music. But when in danger, only Timon stays. Even if he can’t help Pumba, he’s the one who encourages him to run for life – “Run, Pumba, Run!”, “I’m coming, Pumba. Hang in there”, he keeps calling as he himself is running. Also, Pumba doesn’t fail to warn his friend even when he’s in a trap – “Run for your life”, he shouts and only then starts his run. Maybe moral support is what we all need in life!

Nala interrupts the best scene in the woods. Life is always such, pulls a brake when everything is so smooth and happy. How easier life would’ve been had Nala not entered the forest! Maybe that’s the perfectly right time or the perfectly wrong one. Who knows?

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Love for Minions

There are lots that make people like me feel crazy, when it comes to Minions. Minions are the funniest animated creatures I admire. Though they look strange with one or two eyes in a yellow cylindrical body, they express a lot of significant life lessons. So, obviously appearances are deceptive. Here’s a train of thoughts that convey my love for Minions.

Pull your friends also in trouble if you are wrong or get caught.


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Android App for Kids

In this article, I’m just gonna share something we’ve (a team of three) worked for the project in the last three months. It’s just a mobile app. We concluded after brainstorming certain ideas. But the deciding moment was like ‘Oh! We too have brains!’. To be frank, we had no idea on what we were to do and even how to start. We were just sure of the plan to design an app for kids that trains them good habits.

As far as we’ve known, there were similar apps for toddlers that either depicts good habits either through images or sayings. So, we chose the gaming mode.

Firstly, we designed a human model of a kid using the tool MakeHuman. Using this, we just chose a little boy, downloaded dresses and skin tones for him. We, the team, call him little boy. But all other friends of mine just call him ‘Kutti Chaathan’ (meaning ‘Little Devil’ in local language). You’ll better understand why when you have a look at the picture below. Continue reading