Freed without Freewill

This is a free verse that depicts the plight of climate migrants who are forced to flee their homes or nation for the collective actions of the entire humanity. A six-word story is quoted at the end, for the prompt word ‘free’.

These freed victims have no plans. 
From non-existent places, they start roaming,
bearing globe's guilt against their freewill.

Their minds are now enslaved.
As masses, they've survived troublesome days,
yearning to breathe free in closed spaces.

When free-land is demarcated with boundaries,
and open skies are only for free souls,
where else can they settle freely?

They’re messengers
conveying freedom’s true interpretation.

This is in response to ‘The Saturday Six Word Story Prompt’ by Shweta of ‘My Random Ramblings’. The prompt for this week is ‘Free’.