Abstract Art

A/N: Kindly read the verse in landscape mode if the lines don’t fit entirely on your screen.

Just dried mixing pallete…
A single brush for all strokes…
Messed page in her colouring notebook.

Tears of water flowed
drenching pages in an effort
to make a kaleidoscope of colours.
The kiddo started with a thought,
removed all traces of reality when drawn
until she inhaled freedom in the smell of paints.

The art remained unnamed,
for she knew what is named
can never be seen the same way again.

This is in response to the ‘What Do You See Prompt’ by Sadje (any original writing inspired by the given picture – set as featured image).

45 thoughts on “Abstract Art

    • Thanks a lot for pointing out your favourite part and the appreciation, Shweta! Indeed, when we change perceptions, reality changes. But most often, we’re adamant to not look at things we are accustomed to, from a new viewpoint.


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