One-Liner Wednesday #7

Stains of Pen & Sword

When one slashes hundreds with a sword in the battlefield and then sitting in the tent chooses to stain the pages through a pen that inks the lost blood, will the pen still be considered mightier?


This is in response to the ‘One-Liner Wednesday Prompt’ by Linda G. HillThe challenge is to write a motivational or funny one-liner inspired by ‘The last thing you bought’. The last item I purchased was a pen and a bottle of ink.

22 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday #7

  1. No, I guess then it’ll be too late but if the pen was used to ink a peak treaty, then we can say that the pen is mightier than the sword. Also, at the end of almost every way, the countries will come to a conclusion with the terms and conditions being signed by a pen.. Although the blood bath will be too gruesome to ignore, it’s the pen that signs the final deal.
    Just a thought 😅😉
    But that being said, great train of thought, Anisha.

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    • I believe it’s a peace treaty that you meant. In that case, indeed, the pen is mightier.

      But here, I meant a soldier who’s also a writer, and so I didn’t think his pen is mightier as he won’t have authority to sign treaties.

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment, Shweta! 🤗

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